more profit and competitivity with smart pricing

more profit and competitivity with smart pricing
Since May 2022, Casa Andaluza has been associated with Beyond Pricing, the leading provider of smart pricing for holiday homes. The owners who took part in the "experiment" could see that their income increased in the high season and their diaries filled up. The test convinced us at Casa Andaluza: we know that smart pricing works and increases your profitability.

With dynamic pricing, you retain a lot of control because you can participate in setting the parameters yourself: Minimum prices per season, discounts and surcharges, minimum stay per season.... I invite you to regularly analyse the progress and review the settings together.

Advantages of dynamic prices:

The algorithms determine the optimal price at any given moment. High prices in times of high demand, moderate prices in times of weak demand. They adapt quickly to changes.
The current prices for the next 365 days are always available without the need for further updates.
You get good returns even for short stays, as the algorithms set higher prices for weekends and holidays.
On average, your annual revenue increases by 12%

Do you have any questions? Contact me by email ( or by Whatsapp.