This is how it works

This is how it works
Step One: Tell us about your property
  • Send us photos or an ad link so we can see your home
  • Inform us so that we can offer your house for time
  • In case you are already publishing your house by other means, through which page do you publish or with which agency are you collaborating? *
Second step: We visit your property in order to
  • Create a professional photo-report of your house, incl. video
  • Collect all the data to create a description and a technical manual for your house, a description of how to get there, etc.
  • Guide you how to equip your house to attract foreign tourism (especially German, which is the one that prevails outside the high season)
Third step: We formalize the management contract
  • We prepare a seasonal price proposal, with a breakdown of the final price paid by the guest, the rent for the owner and the fees for exit cleaning (paid to the person doing the cleaning, be it the owner or a company)
  • We sign the management agreement, where you can chose between different models: instant booking or on request, depending on what suits you best. You can also choose the channels in which your house will be published: on the Casa Andaluza website only, or also on Airbnb, Booking, Homeaway, in order to have a maximum reach to the tourist housing market.
  • We agree who is in charge of cleaning and maintenance: this can be done by the owner (or her trusted cleaner) or by one of the professional teams that collaborate with Casa Andaluza. For more information, read our inventory tips, cleaning manual (only available in Spanish), and cleaning and maintenance agreement and you will learn about the agency's requirements.
  • Our commission is 19% (net) on the final price and includes a much more extensive and individualized package of services than what you receive from booking portals.
  • It will be up to you to obtain the tourist license number, the Civil Guard code for the registration of travelers and other legal documents. We can offer you contacts with advisers who can help you in these procedures.
Step Four: We Start
  • We present your house on our website and, if agreed upon, through the channel manager, simultaneously on other portals.
  • We create a "welcome app" for your house, with information on arrival and check-in, house manual and local recommendations.
  • Your duty is to always keep us informed of the available spaces, through the owner extra-net or by whatsapp. If you have your house already announced on another portal, there is the possibility of synchronizing the calendars and always being up to date.
  • We notify you of confirmed reservations at the time of confirmation.
  • We pay you the rents near the date of entry.
  • With each reservation you will receive a income statement, with the deduction of expenses (agency commission, amounts advanced by the agency for inventory replacement, technical service ...) in the form of a legal invoice that you can present in your tax declaration.