From Casa Andaluza to Olas del Sol: response to changes in the vacation home sector

From Casa Andaluza to Olas del Sol: response to changes in the vacation home sector
As an entrepreneur, it is my job to identify trends and changes in the market at an early stage. I have always succeeded in preparing Casa Andaluza for change and adapting it at an early stage. For one thing, technology has also developed rapidly in our sector. The printed catalogs of the late 90s are no more comparable to Airbnb, instant booking and smart pricing than block-buster video stores are to Netflix.

It is more difficult with the growing planning uncertainty caused by pandemic, energy and economic crisis and geopolitical instability. The tourism industry faces major challenges, but also new opportunities.

Long-term rentals in winter are nothing new for our team. For many years, mainly German retirees have spent the winter months in Conil and the surrounding area. Thanks to Covid and the positive experiences with home offices, younger professionals are now also able to set up their virtual office in the sunny south.

I would now like to respond to the increasing demand for well-suited, attractive winter properties with a homepage specifically aimed at this market and have launched OLAS DEL SOL. This addresses itself on the one hand to the generation of the Baby Boomer, which goes life-joyfully and jungeblieben into pension. On the other hand to the younger generation of digital nomads, who want to kite or surf for a few hours after work.

My dedicated team that takes care of the "day-to-day business", I can now, after 2 decades, focus more on my tasks as CEO. Even though I am no longer to be found in the office every day, I continue to devote myself to my profession with great dedication (and also heart and soul).

Karin Joanidopoulos